Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Epiphany!

Lauren, Jill, and I in Chelsea, MA after an interview
Shortly after completing a majority of the scheduled interviews, our group started going into analysis mode.  We started to think about the direction of our project and on the changes that we would make to ensure that our project met what the city of Chelsea wanted for the final project.  On September 19th, our group returned to the Worcester Community Project Center (WCPC) and we started to type out and go over as a group what we were completing.  We realized, the epiphany, that our project like we thought was indeed going the way we wanted it to, just we were able to switch the focus of the GIS mapping to ensure that our final deliverable would indeed be used by the city. 

One of the considerations that our team thought was interesting from interviewing the developers was that the scope was very different of which considered climate change and which did not.  Personally, I was very impressed with how the interviews went and with each interview, we learned more and more and attained useful information that could help us achieve our final goal.  With our project objectives now tightened and more oriented, the project will be more clear and informative for the city of Chelsea’s use.  There was a lot of discussion to get all of the final ideas to the surface and a lot of brain power, but I am very excited for how our project will be completed.

Jill, Santiago, and I working hard at the WCPC

Our team will be wrapping up our final interviews this upcoming week and by the end of the week, we should have our deliverables.  The ideas are flowing, the GIS maps are being overlayed,  and the interviews are being analyzed.  This will ensure that our deliverables will be useful for the boards of Chelsea, along with the educating factor that goes along with them.  This is any dream that the project that you spent months on will actually make an impact.  It will be electrifying to see how the final product turns out.

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