Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Team's First Day in Boston!

Jill and Lauren working hard on the train to Boston

The team arrived early in the morning on September 2nd on the train eager to get started.  The team planned the day through a lot of hard work on the train ride, taking full advantage of the tables in the train.  After arriving at South Station the team took the T to the MIT Sea Grant building.  The group set up camp and then took a tour on the area that they will be working for the next seven weeks.  The group was met by Julie Simpson who showed the team around, introducing everyone to the staff and the team felt very welcomed.  After the tour, there was a quick lunch break of Chipotle and then the team met Judith Pederson who helped give a run down on the game plan for the upcoming term.  After, the team took at tour of the campus that they would be set up at, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Our Team on the tour of MIT

The Boston Climate team went on an informative tour of the MIT campus lead by the quirky tour guide Miles.  The team learned all about the campus’ history along with the traditions and hacks that the students have done.  The tour lasted about an hour and 45 minutes and the campus was set up very different than WPIs.   The campus was a lot bigger and the guide was able to answer the many questions that the group was asking.  Minus one little bump of the guide walking into the tree, some of the more memorable moments were the stories that captured the attention of the group.  We ended the tour of finding out about the academics MIT and the system did differ much from that of WPIs but both focus on more of a technological education.  This has set the experience up to be such a great one and the team is very excited about the opportunity.  Our team has a very strong support system to ensure that we succeed on our project goal and now that we have a better idea of the layout of the land, it will make an easier transition.

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